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From Work-Life Balance to Work-Life Integration: Helping Employees Set Boundaries and Prioritize Wellness

Ask any employee where their “work life” ends and their “home life” begins, and they’ll be hard-pressed to give you a clear answer. The lines have been blurred and the pursuit of finding “balance” has become unrealistic.

Every day, your employee juggles the demands on their time, energy and attention, forcing them to work even harder to focus. As a result, they feel frustrated and sense that none of their time was well-spent.

It’s not difficult to understand why so many employees’ physical and mental health suffer…in some cases, to the point of making them quit. But how do you bring equilibrium into your employees' lives before they reach the point of no return?

To get started, check out our guide, “From Work-Life Balance to Work-Life Integration: Helping Employees Set Boundaries and Prioritize Wellness

With this resource you will:

  • Gain expert advice about how work, life, and employee priorities have changed since the pandemic. (Hint: The paycheck isn’t enough anymore.)
  • Discover what work-life integration is, what it looks like, and how it can help employees—and your business—thrive.
  • Learn the culture, communication, and wellness programming adjustments your company can make to provide a path back to a healthy equilibrium for you and your employees.

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