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10 Social Fitness Activities To Foster Wellness and Connection at Work

When people talk about workplace wellness, physical health often takes the spotlight with discussions around exercise, diet, and medical care. While these are undoubtedly important, there’s a crucial aspect of employee wellbeing that frequently goes unnoticed—and that is our social health.

Loneliness and social isolation can have severe implications for our overall wellbeing. A recent meta-analysis of over 2 million adults found that each can increase the risk of early death by 14% and 32%, respectively. At the same time, America has been undergoing a long loneliness epidemic that the pandemic only exacerbated. So how can employers fight this loneliness problem and help employees forge stronger social relationships?

One increasingly popular approach is to focus on social fitness. 

In this blog, we’ll explore what this idea really means and how companies can combine it with physical activity for a more well-rounded wellness program.

What Is Social Fitness?

Just like we need regular exercise or physical activity to keep our bodies healthy, we also need to exercise our social muscles to keep our skills sharp and stay mentally and emotionally healthy. In this regard, social fitness refers to a person’s capacity to 

  • Operate comfortable in social events
  • Develop strong relationships
  • Maintain a close social circle

These abilities are especially crucial in work environments where employees must be able to communicate effectively and empathetically with each other to solve problems and resolve conflicts

Unfortunately, social fitness levels have been declining in recent years. 

Understanding the Loneliness Epidemic

While it’s easy to point to pandemic-era lockdowns and the shift to remote work as scapegoats for a lack of social connection, the truth is that the loneliness epidemic started long before COVID-19. For instance, a Microsoft survey found that over 30% of older adults were experiencing loneliness in 2018. More recently, a 2021 survey found Americans have fewer close friends than ever, suggesting the pandemic may have only exacerbated underlying issues. But, what are these issues?

There are various contributing factors, from the loss of physical community spaces and our increased reliance on technology to the rise of remote work and the pandemic’s lasting impacts on social connectedness. Altogether, they create a society that makes it increasingly difficult to feel connected to one another and develop close relationships.

One particular area of focus in the loneliness epidemic has been our “built environment”—the physical design and construction of our cities, neighborhoods, and public spaces. For example, a Harvard University study showed that walkable neighborhoods with nearby transportation alternatives help combat loneliness and health problems by facilitating opportunities for physical activity, connection, interactions, and social support.

It’s at this intersection, between our physical surroundings and our social connections, that employers can harness the full potential of their wellness initiatives.

Combining Social and Physical Fitness to Combat Loneliness

Company sports leagues are a great way to feed two birds with one seed when it comes to improving employee wellbeing. By integrating both social and physical health activities into their wellness initiatives, companies can create a culture of holistic wellness that combats loneliness and promotes a healthy lifestyle. This approach not only addresses physical fitness but also builds a supportive community within the workplace, which is essential for fostering healthy relationships among colleagues.

In the wake of the loneliness epidemic impacting workers across the country, this sports league strategy can be an excellent way to:

  • Maintain physical health: Regular physical exercise boosts overall health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Improve mental health: Physical activity and social interaction are vital for reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Enhance team cohesion: Team sports create a sense of belonging, improving collaboration and communication.
  • Elevate job satisfaction: Engaging in enjoyable group activities increases employee morale and job satisfaction.
  • Reduce turnover rates: When employees feel connected and valued, they are more likely to stay with the organization.

A company sports league can also be particularly beneficial for building local community connections. By thoughtfully integrating these elements into their wellness programs, companies can create a vibrant, healthy workplace culture.

10 Sports to Elevate Social Fitness in the Workplace

Finally, without further ado, here are 10 sports to help elevate physical and social fitness in the workplace:

  1. Hit the Ground Running
    Employers can kickstart their workplace wellness journey with a running club that welcomes runners of all levels. Not only is this an excellent way to improve cardiovascular health and cognitive function, but it can also offer an opportunity for social groups to relieve stress while building connections. Encourage team members to meet for weekly runs, set up friendly challenges, or participate in local races and charity runs to continue promoting social fitness.
  2. Start a Cycling Club
    Bicycling is another great way to get a team up and moving—plus it offers a unique blend of adventure and social opportunities. Whether employees prefer a leisurely ride through scenic trails or more challenging courses, clubs can cater to all levels of intensity. Planning group rides on weekends or after work fosters team bonding while encouraging eco-friendly transportation.
  3. Organize a Softball League
    Are workers looking for a bit more friendly competition and teamwork? Softball is an inclusive sport that encourages strategic thinking and collaboration. Hosting a corporate league allows employees from different departments to interact and form new connections, fostering a sense of community within the company. Schedule regular games and invite employees to bring their families to create a fun and relaxed environment.
  4. Partner Up for Pickleball
    Pickleball has become a popular sport in the corporate world, offering a fun mix of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong while being suitable for all skill levels. Encourage employees to partner up and dive into the game. It’s an excellent way to foster teamwork and improve hand-eye coordination while enjoying some friendly competition. Organize tournaments or weekly games and watch as workplace camaraderie grows with each thwack of the paddle.
  5. Serve Up Some Fun With Squash
    Looking to elevate the energy level at work? Squash, also known as racquetball, is a high-octane sport that burns calories, builds agility, and most importantly, is incredibly fun. Employees can challenge each other in quick, intense matches that test their reflexes or they can take it slow, moving at their own pace to unwind. Either way, the positive relationships and team collaboration skills are bound to follow them off the court.
  6. Rally the Table Tennis Team
    Liven up the break room with a ping pong table and watch as it becomes the center of quick, exciting matches that ignite friendly competition and camaraderie. While it might seem like a distraction, the ping-pong paddle can become a crucial problem-solving tool for the worker who’s stuck at their desk, mulling over an issue. A quick rally back and forth with a coworker might be all it takes to jostle the solution loose.
  7. Shoot Some Hoops
    Basketball is another dynamic and engaging sport that builds more than just athletic skills—it fosters a spirit of teamwork and collaboration. Starting a company league will bring employees together for regular pick-up games or structured team play. This is a fantastic way for everyone to burn calories, break down barriers, and build bonds. Weekly games or a company-wide tournament can also spice up the routine, improving employee engagement.
  8. Bump, Set, Spike With Us!
    Volleyball isn’t just for beach days—it’s a perfect team sport for the office, promoting cooperation and communication. Set up a volleyball net on company property or at a nearby park and organize regular games or a seasonal league. Whether it’s a casual game during lunch or a more competitive after-hours league, volleyball can serve as an engaging and energizing social opportunity.
  9. Dive Into Ultimate Frisbee
    Ultimate Frisbee is exciting and fast-paced, combining the best elements of soccer, football, and basketball—all in one sport. It’s great for building endurance, resilience, and team strategy, requiring players to work closely with each other as they advance the disc down the field.
  10. Tee Off in Disc Golf
    Finally, disc golf is an accessible, low-impact sport that’s perfect for employees of all fitness levels and abilities. Employees can get outdoors and enjoy some friendly competition without the need for intense physical exercise. Just set up a few baskets around the office grounds or take the team to a local course. Organizing these regular outings can also help foster community, giving everyone a break from the office to socialize and bond.

Set Your Employees Up for Social Success with WellRight

Looking for more ways to foster social fitness and support in the workplace? WellRight has everything you need to design a tailored wellness program that helps your team thrive as they build a stronger, more connected work environment.

Request a demo to see how we can help. 

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